This Site’s Structure
This page describes the site’s structure.
Resources are placed in one of the eight Sections and in one of these Categories: Activists; Advocates/Services; Articles/Op-eds/Essays; Books; Film; Podcasts; Proposals for Action; Video
Each Section includes numerous Topics, which are included in the Index
Overview essays introduce each section. These essays outline the content of the Section and reflect on problems and possible solutions associated with the Section.
Resources that address single issues are linked in the respective Section. Resources that address multiple issues within a Section are included in that Section’s multi-issue Category.
Resources that address multiple issues across Sections but do not affirm the need for mutual support for self-development to undo oppressive social conditioning are included in the Multi-sector Section. These resources may promote systemic reforms but are not holistic.
Resources that, at least implicitly, see society as a single self-perpetuating social system and affirm the need for mutual support for self-development to undo oppressive social conditioning are included in the Systemic Section. These resources promote reforms that are both holistic and systemic.
The Blog link on the About drop-down menu includes Resources
The Search link on the horizontal top navbar searches this site.
For more information, see Staff
—Wade Lee Hudson, Editor