My deepest gratitude goes to my mother, who shaped my interest in truth, justice, and beauty.
In chronological order, the following writers have greatly influenced my thinking: Bertrand Russell, James Baldwin, Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr., Bob Dylan, Albert Camus, Stokley Carmichael, Michael Lerner, Martin Buber, William James, Paul Tillich, R. D. Laing, Robin Morgan, Kate Millet, Alan Watts, Murray Bookchin, Paolo Freire, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Dalai Lama, George Lakoff, Cornel West, Nancy Isenberg, Daniel Kahneman, Elizabeth Anderson, and Phillip Woods.
While my worldview was taking shape, the following individuals provided valuable face-to-face inspiration and support: Dave Robbins, Lyle Downing, Sheldon Wolin, Norman Jacobsen, Rev. William Holmes, Charles McCoy, Frank Bardake, Todd Gitlin, William Kruse, Jed Riffe, Rev. Cecil Williams, Ted Chabasinksi, Steve Sears, Gil Lopez, Sara Colm, Rob Waters, Glenda Hope, Chris Price, Joyce Beattie, Brandon Faloona, Steven Lee Shults, Dan Brook, Ajahn Amaro, Claudia Horwitz, Sandi Gonzales, Kazu Haga, Roy Harrison, Jan Hartsough, Taj James, Sharon Johnson, Eva Paterson, and Dusa Althea Rammessirsingh.
More recently, with regard to this project, the following individuals have provided important face-to-face support and input: Mary Hudson, Roma Guy, Leonard Roy Frank, Brenda Salgado, Mike Larsen, Rev. Dorsey Blake, David Hartsough, Rhonda Magee, Gary Vondran, and Dr. Rebecca Crabb, Ph.D. And the online advisory team has been invaluable Hector Garcia, Penn Garvin, Steve Gerritson, and Bernhard Possert, and Larry Walker.
In recent years, the following individuals have provided valuable online support and input: George Fowler, Alan Levin, Yahya Abdal-Aziz, Jakob Possert, Rosa Beléndez, John Breeding, Michael Carano, Jim Costa, Katherine Forrest, Joshua Gorman, Lani Kaahumanu, Paul Kinburn, Paul Kleyman, Mary Kay Magistad, Roger Marsden, Mike Miller, Kitty Myers, Michael Nagler, Carol Norris, Liz Olson, Daisy Ozim, Anjali Sawhney, Jack Sawyer, Randy Schutt, Asoka Bandarage, Scott Beckman, John Cloud, Micky Duxbury, Carolyn Reuben Green, Ingrid Kepler-May, Shyrl McCormick, Robert Morgan, Carol Lopez, Genevieve Marcus, Bob Morgan, Dan Nissenbaum, Daniel Nissenbaum, and Melinda Stone.
Most of all, I thank the Holy Spirit and Mother Nature.