Community Workshop
Prior to the workshop, the organizers define a focus question about which there is some ambiguity or controversy.
0:00 The participants gather for food, drink, and informal conversation, and form a semi-circle facing the front of the room.
0:30 The Facilitator convenes the workshop, introduces the focus question, and explains the format and rules. A moment of silence for participants to pray, meditate, reflect, or relax.
0:32 The participants randomly form small groups with five or six. (One option: Count down one to five and everyone with the same number forms a group.) The group selects a Recorder.
0:35 Each group considers answers to the question. When four or more agree on a one-sentence answer, the Recorder writes it down on an index card.
0:70 The participants form one circle and Recorders present all of the answers.
0:80 The Facilitator asks for no more than four comments from participants from other groups, pro and con, and asks for those who agree with the answer to raise their hand. If 80% agree, the answer is recorded as a workshop decision.