Democratic Equality Project

In seeking the construction of a community of equals, democratic equality integrates principles of distribution with the expressive demands of equal respect…. Democratic equality entitles all citizens to the goods they need to function as free and equal citizens, and to avoid oppression by others…. The point of equality is better conceived as creating a democratic society, in which people stand in relations of equality to one another.
Elizabeth S. Anderson

Conference Calls

Past Participants
Penn Garvin
Steve Gerritson
Wade Lee Hudson
Rhonda Magee, The Inner Work of Racial Justice
Ruben Nelson, Foresight Canada,
Bernhard Possert

January 12, 2020 Presentation

“Democratic Equality and Democratic Dialog”
A Presentation by Wade Lee Hudson
Humanists and Non-Theists
SF Unitarian Church
1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco
Sunday, Jan. 12, 6;00 pm

Open Topic Dialogs

Weekly, beginning Thurs., Jan. 16, 1:00 pm
Aquatic Park Senior Center
Maritime Museum, San Francisco