Transform the System Dialog
People often talk about “the system,” but there’s little agreement about what it is or how we should change it. This dialog is based on the belief that broad agreement on these issues could lead to greater unity and more effective activism.
To join the dialog, answer these questions, or comment on others’ answers:
What is “the system”? (150 words max)
How should we transform it? (150 words max)
Why should we transform it? (150 words max)
What I am doing to help transform it? (150 words max).
To answer these questions, use the form below.
To see the others’ answers, click here. To comment on answers, use the form at the bottom of each answer. After receiving feedback, participants will be free to revise their answers—or submit new answers. This dialog is open to everyone in any country who wants to relieve suffering and promote fairness. A list of participants will be maintained here. I’ll facilitate the process. Your interest is appreciated. Please send this invitation to others.
Wade Lee Hudson, Editor
To answer the questions, or submit a modified answer, use this form.