Goals and  Methods Clarified

By: Larry Walker 

Each Goal from the Declaration is repeated here followed by one or more subgoals. The explanatory text for each subgoal is taken directly from the Principles and/or the essay, A Moral America.

I/we support the growth of a popular movement that:

  • serves humanity, the environment, and life itself

    • Holistic Transformation 

      • Serve humanity, 

      • Serve the environment, 

      • Serve life itself, 

      • Create new structures to serve that purpose. 

  • respects the essential equality of all human beings

    • Respect for Equality
      Everyone is created equal, with equal human rights and equal value as a member of the human family. All citizens should be equal under the law. Everyone should treat others with dignity. No one should disrespect or control others due to one of their specific identities, such as race or gender. A society in which we meet as free and equal individuals, free of oppressive labels and hierarchies. We acknowledge our most important belief: Everyone is created equal and entitled to fairness throughout the course of their life — the right to participate in society as an equal. 

  • encourages everyone to identify as a member of the human family

    • Affirm Multiple Identities

Human beings naturally self-identify as members of particular “tribes,” based on geography, beliefs, and other factors. But we need not be exclusively tribalistic. We need not lock into particular identities and demonize others. We can still see our common humanity — our membership in the human family. We listen to others as they listen to us, try to better understand them, and don’t demonize our opponents. We admit problems and work to correct them. Whether it’s based on our worldview, values, interests, religion, political party, nationality, ethnicity, gender, oppressed status, or any other identity, we identify with our “in-group” while at the same time respecting others’ inherent humanity and only criticizing them with compassion after trying to fully understand them.

  • affirms individuals’ multiple identities 

    • Affirm Multiple Identities
      Human beings naturally self-identify as members of particular “tribes,” based on geography, beliefs, and other factors. But we need not be exclusively tribalistic. We need not lock into particular identities and demonize others. We can still see our common humanity — our membership in the human family. We listen to others as they listen to us, try to better understand them, and don’t demonize our opponents. We admit problems and work to correct them. Whether it’s based on our worldview, values, interests, religion, political party, nationality, ethnicity, gender, oppressed status, or any other identity, we identify with our “in-group” while at the same time respecting others’ inherent humanity and only criticizing them with compassion after trying to fully understand them.

    • Support Grassroots Struggles  

We know that only through painful, persistent grassroots struggles have Blacks, other ethnic minorities and Native Americans, women, unions, LGBT communities, and others made progress toward greater, still unfulfilled, justice. Massive, broad grassroots alliances united behind inclusive, transformative principles and focused on achievable goals continue to push consistently for sustainable social and environmental justice

  • opposes efforts to dominate others due to one of their identities

    • Systemic Analysis
      The various sectors of society fit together and reinforce each other. To transform it, understanding how this self-perpetuating social system works is valuable. This System, which integrates society’s multiple systems into one system, is driven by efforts to climb social ladders and look down on and dominate those below. 

    • Undo Domination

We don’t climb social ladders to look down on and dominate those below, and we don’t blindly submit to those above. We reject oppressive domination but endorse justified domination when it’s necessary to protect individuals under threat or promote the public good. 

  • Value Immigration

While controlling our borders, we value immigration and appreciate what immigrants have contributed to our nation. We treat undocumented immigrants humanely, provide a path to citizenship for many undocumented immigrants who’ve worked here and paid taxes for many years, offer asylum to those escaping oppression, and provide substantial technical and economic assistance to hard-hit countries so their citizens can live well in their own country, as most prefer. 

  • relies on love and trust rather than hate and fear

    • Practice Compassion
      By focusing on efforts to relieve and prevent suffering, individuals and communities learn to trust and love each other, rise above fear and anger, realize their deepest nature, become whole, and nurture spiritual development. Promote truth, justice, beauty, and joy, and live good, compassionate lives.

  • channels anger productively

    • Practice Compassion
      By focusing on efforts to relieve and prevent suffering, individuals and communities learn to trust and love each other, rise above fear and anger, realize their deepest nature, become whole, and nurture spiritual development. 

  • attracts people with face-to-face community and caring friendships 

    • Revitalize Community
      Society requires cooperation. Achieving certain goals in isolation is impossible. Individuals learn from their peers, need healthy communities, and support each other with their self-reform. Strong individuals build strong communities, and strong communities build strong individuals. 

  • honors our nation’s accomplishments, criticizes its failures, and helps build a more perfect union

    • Practice Healthy Patriotism 
      Strong nations are needed to control irresponsible multinational corporations. The history of each nation is a mix of positive and negative traditions. We can uphold the positive and correct the negative — while seeking to cooperate with other nations rather than dominate them.

    • Honor Values & Traditions

We appreciate that we owe a great deal to values and traditions that preceded us. We know our prosperity is due in part to the size of our country, its tremendous natural resources, and not having fought two World Wars on our own soil. 

  • Stop Exploitation

We’ve benefited economically from having exploited Native Americans and enslaved Africans, having invaded Mexico and seized over half of its land, and having absorbed a continuous stream of immigrants that has made America the most diverse country in the world. 

  • Support Minority Struggles 

We know that only through painful, persistent grassroots struggles have Blacks, other ethnic minorities and Native Americans, women, unions, LGBT communities, and others made progress toward greater, still unfulfilled, justice. Massive, broad grassroots alliances united behind inclusive, transformative principles and focused on achievable goals continue to push consistently for sustainable social and environmental justice.

  • Build Perfect Union

Compared to its past, this America as imagined has the look and feel of a new country. This transition began gradually, grounded in reality, pragmatism, compassion, and careful reasoning, step by step, person by person, family by family, school by school, workplace by workplace, faith community by faith community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and community organization by community organization. Then, one day, it all came together. Like heated water that becomes steam or a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly, America turned the corner and became a compassionate community — one still in need of humility, more wisdom, and better human communication. We’re like a new country, rooted in holistic democracy and democratic equality, with new structures that fruitfully organize how we live together. 

  • Pursue Synergistic Dynamics 

As addressed in this website, the different elements of this new social system — cultural, social, personal, economic, environmental, and political — fit together and reinforce each other with overlapping, synergistic dynamics that combine to produce a result that’s greater than the sum of their parts. 

  • fully represents and gives voice to the American people

    • Maximize Cooperation

Since no one has all the answers, we think together — carefully, deliberately to determine the truth as best as we can. We maximize cooperation, collaborate to find solutions, and accept others’ leadership when they have good ideas and lead when they like ours. 

  • helps transform the United States into a compassionate community that:

    • Maximizes Holistic Democracy 

Society can maximize democracy in every institution and every relationship. 

  • Nurtures Mutual Support for Self-Development

We can nurture mutual support for self-development. 

  • Builds Partnerships 

Give everyone a voice in affairs that affect them. 

  • Holds Leaders Accountable 

To their responsibilities, 

  • Establishes Democratic Hierarchies

Avoid a tyranny of the majority that fails to respect individual and minority rights. 

  • Values Immigration

While controlling our borders appreciate what immigrants have contributed to our nation. 

  • Treats Illegal Immigrants Humanely 

Provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who’ve worked here and paid taxes for many years. 

  • Offers Asylum 

To those escaping oppression.

  • Provides Assistance to  Hard-Hit Countries

Substantial technical and economic assistance to hard-hit countries so their citizens can live well in their own country, as most prefer. 

  • supports the rule of law, individual rights, and the freedom to engage in activities that do not deny freedom to others

    • Support Freedom
      Individuals should be free to direct their own lives without unfair constraints being imposed on them — so long as they respect the rights of others. Maximizing self-determination is valuable. Certain exercises of power, however, as with traffic laws, taxes, healthy parenting, and preventing police brutality, are necessary.

  • encourages people to relate to others as individuals of equal worth

    • Practice Compassion

By focusing on efforts to relieve and prevent suffering, individuals and communities learn to trust and love each other, rise above fear and anger, realize their deepest nature, become whole, and nurture spiritual development. 

  • promotes partnerships that empower people

    • Maximize Cooperation 

Since no one has all the answers, we think together — carefully deliberately to determine the truth as best as we can. We maximize cooperation, collaborate to find solutions, and accept others’ leadership when they have good ideas and lead when they like ours. 

  • nurtures democracy throughout society

    • Maximize Cooperation

Since no one has all the answers, we think together — carefully deliberately to determine the truth as best as we can. We maximize cooperation, collaborate to find solutions, and accept others’ leadership when they have good ideas and lead when they like ours.

  • Nurture Democracy 

Compared to its past, this America as imagined has the look and feel of a new country. This transition began gradually, grounded in reality, pragmatism, compassion, and careful reasoning, step by step, person by person, family by family, school by school, workplace by workplace, faith community by faith community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and community organization by community organization.

  • Build a Compassionate Community 

Then, one day, it all came together. Like heated water that becomes steam or a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly, America turned the corner and became a compassionate community — one still in need of humility, more wisdom, and better human communication. We’re like a new country, rooted in holistic democracy and democratic equality, with new structures that fruitfully organize how we live together.

  • meets basic human needs

    • Achieve Economic Fairness
      One way or the other, with private actions and public policies, society is obligated to assure that everyone has the means to live with basic dignity, including meaningful jobs, adequate income, quality health care, affordable housing, and sufficient food.

  • assures good living-wage job opportunities

    • Achieve Economic Fairness
      One way or the other, with private actions and public policies, society is obligated to assure that everyone has the means to live with basic dignity, including meaningful jobs, adequate income, quality health care, affordable housing, and sufficient food.

  • protects free speech

    • Protect Free Speech

  • makes it easy to vote

    • Make Voting Easy

  • enables everyone to participate in society fully and productively

    • Maximize Cooperation 

Since no one has all the answers, we think together — carefully deliberately to determine the truth as best as we can. We maximize cooperation, collaborate to find solutions, and accept others’ leadership when they have good ideas and lead when they like ours.

  • Nurture Democracy 

Compared to its past, this America as imagined has the look and feel of a new country. This transition began gradually, grounded in reality, pragmatism, compassion, and careful reasoning, step by step, person by person, family by family, school by school, workplace by workplace, faith community by faith community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and community organization by community organization.

  • Build a Compassionate Community 

Then, one day, it all came together. Like heated water that becomes steam or a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly, America turned the corner and became a compassionate community — one still in need of humility, more wisdom, and better human communication. We’re like a new country, rooted in holistic democracy and democratic equality, with new structures that fruitfully organize how we live together.

  • encourages supportive relationships with other countries, backs their right to self-determination, promotes human rights, and advocates peaceful resolution of conflicts with mediation and negotiation

    • Respect International Law 

We honor what’s moral and respect legitimate laws, as America honors morality and respects international law. We love America as we love every country. 

  • Maximize Cooperation Between Nations 

Being the oldest modern democracy and a republic, we love our country and want to live up to its highest ideals, which have inspired many other countries. We aren’t dead set on America always being the best or always being the world’s leader. We respect other nations, maximize cooperation between nations, and seek solutions that work for all. While we will protect America if directly threatened, we primarily lead by example, practicing at home what we proclaim abroad. 

  • pressures Washington to implement compassionate policies supported by strong majorities of the American people

    • Value Immigrants

While controlling our borders, we value immigration and appreciate what immigrants have contributed to our nation. 

  • Treat Illegal Immigrants Humanely

Provide a path to citizenship for many undocumented immigrants who’ve worked here and paid taxes for many years. 

  • Offer Asylum 

To those escaping oppression.

  • Provide Assistance to Hard-Hit Countries

Provide substantial technical and economic assistance to hard-hit countries so their citizens can live well in their own country, as most prefer. 

  • engages in nonviolent civil disobedience and consumer boycotts when needed

    • Practice Nonviolent Civil Disobedience
      Social transformation can be advanced by people who treat others with deep respect, acknowledge that each individual is unique, practice active listening, make judgments without being judgmental, try to better understand others, avoid offensive labels and name-calling, and don’t demean or dehumanize. Groups practicing these behaviors can engage in nonviolent civic action with their elected representatives on a continuous basis.

  • encourages members of the movement to:

    • Improve Emotional Reactions

    • Engage in Honest Self-Examination

    • Practice Self-reform
      Individuals are innately curious, caring, and often amazed. As such, they seek to become better, wiser, kinder, and more effective human beings who improve the world.

  • support each other with their personal and spiritual growth

    • Build Strong Communities
      Society requires cooperation. Achieving certain goals in isolation is impossible. Individuals learn from their peers, need healthy communities, and support each other with their self-reform. Strong individuals build strong communities, and strong communities build strong individuals. 

    • Love the Human Race 

We love our “tribe” as we love the human race. We don’t come first. Everyone is equally important. We know the more others thrive, the more we thrive, and the more we thrive, the more they thrive. Healthy communities raise healthy individuals, and healthy individuals nurture healthy communities. 

  • Live Compassionate Lives 

We promote truth, justice, beauty, and joy, and live good, compassionate lives.

  • avoid oppressive or disrespectful behavior

    • Practice Compassion

By focusing on efforts to relieve and prevent suffering, individuals and communities learn to trust and love each other, rise above fear and anger, realize their deepest nature, become whole, and nurture spiritual development. 

  • supports members who want to form small teams that share meals, strengthen connections, provide mutual support, and plan other activities

    • Form Small Teams

    • Provide Mutual Support for Self-Improvement
      Organizations and informal groups can advance social transformation by encouraging their members to support each other with their self-improvement (with goals being defined by each individual). Simply listening to others report on their personal efforts can be helpful. 

    • Love Others 

We love ourselves as we love others, and we love others as we love ourselves. We are equally self-focused and other-focused. We take care of ourselves so we can help others and help improve the world. We meet our essential needs so we’re better able to contribute to other-directed efforts.

  • cooperates with movements in other countries that also serve humanity, the environment, and life itself.

    • Cooperate with Movements in Other Countries

    • Love the Human Race 

We love our “tribe” as we love the human race. We don’t come first. Everyone is equally important. We know the more others thrive, the more we thrive, and the more we thrive, the more they thrive. Healthy communities raise healthy individuals, and healthy individuals nurture healthy communities. 

  • Respect Other Nations 

Being the oldest modern democracy and a republic, we love our country and want to live up to its highest ideals, which have inspired many other countries. We aren’t dead set on America always being the best or always being the world’s leader. We respect other nations, maximize cooperation between nations, and seek solutions that work for all. While we will protect America if directly threatened, we primarily lead by example, practicing at home what we proclaim abroad.

  • The transformation envisioned by this Declaration will involve the holistic and systemic transformation of our social system — the System — into a compassionate community that serves humanity, the environment, and life itself, as discussed in this site’s Principles and the essay, A Moral America.

    • Holistic Transformation
      We can transform the System by establishing a new purpose for our society — to serve humanity, the environment, and life itself — and new structures to serve that purpose. Mutually reinforcing change throughout society rooted in evolutionary revolution can synergistically help us fulfill that purpose, as individuals and communities.

    • Pursue Our Primary Mission 

We dedicate ourselves to our primary mission: serving humanity, the environment, and life itself.
