Personal Resources
Articles/ Op-eds/ Essays
This Is Why Nursing Homes Failed So Badly E. Tammy Kim.
“The first coronavirus outbreak in the United States happened in a nursing home in February. Since then, it’s only gotten worse. [. . .] Long-term care continues to be understaffed, poorly regulated and vulnerable to predation by for-profit conglomerates and private-equity firms. The nursing aides who provide the bulk of bedside assistance still earn poverty wages, and lockdown policies have forced patients into dangerous solitude.”
What I’ve Learned Over a Lifetime of Caring for the Dying, Lynn Hallarman.
“While I slept in my home, my mother lay dying on the bathroom floor in her home in another state. She was not alone. Her longtime professional home health aide was by her side, propping her up with a hastily grabbed pillow and holding her hand. Because I am a palliative care physician, I had been preparing myself and my family for the moment of her death for a long time. My mother, after all, was 92 and frail, and had dementia. At this point in her life, it would come down to the place where she would die and who was there in her last moments. [read more]
We Knew the Coronavirus Was Coming, Yet We Failed, Elisabeth Rosenthal.
“The vulnerabilities that Covid-19 has revealed were a predictable outgrowth of our market-based health care system.”
Pregnancy-Related Deaths, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019).
Infant Mortality, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019).
African American Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017).
Estimating the Economic Burden of Racial Health Inequalities in the United States, LaVeist, T. A., D. Gaskin, and P. Richard (2011).
Accountable Communities for Health, Prevention Institute (2016).
Accountable Health Communities Model, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2019).
The Impact of Chronic Underfunding of America’s Public Health System: Trends, Risks, and Recommendations, Rhea Faberman (2019).
Reuters Finds 3,810 U.S. Areas with Lead Poisoning Double Flint’s, M. B. Pell and Joshua Schneyer (2017).
Threats on Tap: Widespread Violations Highlight Need for Investment in Water Infrastructure and Protections, Kristi Pullen Fedinick, Mae Wu, and Erik D. Olson (2017).
Health Care Resources
Articles/ Op-eds/ Essays
We Knew the Coronavirus Was Coming, Yet We Failed, Elisabeth Rosenthal.
“The vulnerabilities that Covid-19 has revealed were a predictable outgrowth of our market-based health care system. “
Pregnancy-Related Deaths, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019).
Infant Mortality, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019).
African American Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017).
Estimating the Economic Burden of Racial Health Inequalities in the United States, LaVeist, T. A., D. Gaskin, and P. Richard (2011).
Accountable Communities for Health, Prevention Institute (2016).
Accountable Health Communities Model, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2019).
The Impact of Chronic Underfunding of America’s Public Health System: Trends, Risks, and Recommendations, Rhea Faberman (2019).
Reuters Finds 3,810 U.S. Areas with Lead Poisoning Double Flint’s, M. B. Pell and Joshua Schneyer (2017).
Threats on Tap: Widespread Violations Highlight Need for Investment in Water Infrastructure and Protections, Kristi Pullen Fedinick, Mae Wu, and Erik D. Olson (2017).