Systemic Reform: A Call for Action


This constantly updated book urges the development of a systemic reform movement to promote fairness, compassion, and democracy. This vision imagines the adoption of a new central purpose for our society and new structures/relationships to achieve this mission. This approach envisions the integration of outer and inner changes, changes that reflect and reinforce each other.

As envisioned, this movement would unify the fragmented compassionate humanity community — those countless individuals and organizations who relieve and prevent suffering.

The homepage presents a proposed mission:

  • Reform the Top-Down System into a Bottom-Up System.

  • Serve humanity, the environment, and life itself.

  • Undo oppressive domination and blind submission.

This formulation is presented for the sake of discussion to suggest a desired direction. As is the case with the site’s other proposals, this language is subject to change. The organizers of a new movement might modify it or start from scratch. In the meantime, I may change it from time to time and welcome suggested improvements, as is the case with the entire site.

The homepage also presents proposed methods:

  • Support each other with self-development and political action.

  • Address the whole person and the whole society.

  • Promote synergistic, mutually reinforcing change throughout society.

As such, this worldview envisions holistic and systemic reform.

Each link on the Contents drop-down menu leads to these chapters:

Each chapter includes an overview, an Actions link to actions already underway as well as proposed actions to advance progress in this arena, and a Knowledge Base link to relevant resources including:

  • Activists

  • Advocates/Services

  • Articles/Essays/Op-ed

  • Books 

  • Film

  • Video

  • Podcasts

  • Quotes

The homepage also presents a diagram that illustrates the nature of our top-down social system as well as a diagram that illustrates our proposed alternative bottom-up system.

Scrolling down the homepage takes you to the seven sections of Our Worldview. The “Learn More” link under each image goes to the overview section that introduces each chapter. These overviews and highlighted actions are compiled in the Growing a Systemic Reform Movement: A Call for Action blog post.

Daily Reflections presents brief items that attract my interest. A log of all entries is here.

Problem-solving Dialogues presents a log of some Action-oriented Dialogues and Philosophical Dialogues I’ve conducted with readers.

Over the years, many associates have made important contributions to this project. The Advisory Board has been particularly helpful. As the site’s editor, I’ve served as lead author on most of the content.

I’d greatly appreciate your suggestions for changes or additions to the site, your questions concerning issues that concern you, your participation in dialogues, and your words of support. You can use the Comment forms at the bottom of each page or the Contact form to communicate.

Wade Lee Hudson
