

Our mission is to replace oppressive domination and submission with compassionate cooperation, serve humanity, the environment, and life itself, and promote society’s holistic and systemic transformation into a just and caring community.

Our Methods and Our Worldview discuss how we promote this mission,

Our Resources present goals, methods, ideas, and information in these Sections:

Concerning the relevant issues, each Section includes an Overview, a summary of Problems and Solutions, a Knowledge Base of resources, and actions to advance progress, including actiosn underway and proposed actions.

Resources in the Systemic Section address how issues are systemically interrelated. The Multi-sector Section presents resources that focus on more than one issue. Resources that focus on only one issue are included in one of the next six Sections. 

The Actions page in each Section presents concrete steps, including Adaptive Actions, that individuals and organizations can take to relieve suffering, promote justice, nurture self-improvement, and/or improve social conditions.

The Action link on the top navbar includes a drop-down menu inviting readers to submit essays or engage in dialogues concerning these efforts, and a link sending people to the Sections’ action resources.

The Knowledge Base includes resources concerning:

  • Activists

  • Advocates/Services

  • Articles/Essays/Op-ed

  • Books 

  • Film

  • Video

  • Podcasts

  • Quotes

The Index presents each topic included in this knowledge base.

The About link on the top navbar includes a drop-down menu with more information about the site.

Scrolling down the homepage also takes you to additional content.

We’ll greatly appreciate your suggestions for changes or additions to the site, your questions concerning issues that concern you, and your participation in dialogues, and your words of support.

Presently Wade Lee Hudson is Editor, Larry Walker serves as Assistant Editor, and the following individuals serve as Topic Editors in the areas indicated:

  • Bill Betzler - Homeless

  • Jennie Grau - Listening

  • Scott Zieman - Nutrition

  • Hector Garcia - Immigration + other.

  • Shelley Gilchrist - Spiritual Women

  • Rob Scarlett - Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Ruth Goettig - Hospice + Inspiration

  • Jim Spencer - General

  • Carol Koepp - Early Childhood Development

Also, our Advisory Board, especially Mary Hudson and Steve Gerritson, has provided valuable input and support. If you want to discuss how you might contribute to this project, please be in touch.

You can use the Comment forms at the bottom of each page or the Contact link on the top navbar to communicate. If we pull together in the same direction, progress and eventual transformation are possible.
