Our Worldview

Pragmatic Idealism

Pragmatic idealism is a potent mindset that recognizes the significance of both vision and realism. Idealism affirms that ideas, values, and principles have the power to shape reality. Pragmatism emphasizes the importance of being practical, effective, and achievable in our actions. Pragmatic idealism beautifully integrates these two perspectives and acknowledges the value of each. It's an attitude that understands that creating meaningful change requires the audacity to dream big and the patience to take practical steps toward realizing those dreams.

One shining example of pragmatic idealism in action can be found in the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, whose teachings inspired leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King articulated Six Steps for Nonviolent Social Change, drawing from Gandhi's principles. These steps — Information Gathering, Education, Personal Commitment, Negotiation, Direct Action, and Reconciliation — guide conducting incremental nonviolent political campaigns. This strategic approach builds momentum through victories that aim for reconciliation and cultivate a sense of Beloved Community with other-centered solidarity.

But pragmatic idealism is not limited to the political arena. It can be applied in every aspect of life. Conflict resolution and nonviolent communication, in various forms, are widely recognized methods that embody this approach. 

Individuals often set ambitious goals for themselves but must also accept reality when they don’t achieve them fully. Pragmatic idealism acknowledges the importance of balancing aspiration with practicality.

Combining visionary idealism with practical pragmatism can cultivate a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all. Idealism provides us with the goals and inspiration for a better world, while pragmatism grounds these ideals in reality and makes them achievable through incremental steps. It's a powerful approach acknowledging the importance of dreaming big while taking tangible actions to create positive change.

So let us embrace pragmatic idealism with passion and conviction. Let us dare to dream big and set audacious goals for a better world. But let us also be grounded in the practicality of taking achievable steps toward realizing our dreams. With pragmatic idealism as our guiding light, we can create a better future for ourselves and for future generations. It's time to unleash the power of pragmatic idealism and make a meaningful impact on the world.

