Just, Holistic, Systemic, Compassionate
Democratic Equality
Enable everyone to meet their basic needs so they can participate in society as full and equal members who care for themselves, others, the environment, and life itself.
To achieve this mission, we aim to:
Establish this mission as society’s guiding principle.
Protect Mother Earth, live in harmony with Nature, and respect the awesome, mysterious life force that courses through our bodies.
Reform the dominant culture and social systems that fit together into a single self-perpetuating social system, the System, which encourages everyone to climb social ladders and look down on and dominate and exploit those below — or submit.
Change and create social structures to increase collaboration, co-equal partnerships, member-run cooperatives, bottom-up hierarchies whose members select and hold accountable their leaders and managers, and leaders who help groups make democratic decisions about how to address problems.
Cultivate a culture that inspires people to pursue these goals.
Affirm everyone’s equal worth, acknowledge the value of individuals’ multiple identities, and oppose arbitrary discrimination based on others’ identities, as reflected in racism, sexism, classism, and other forms of rankism.
Build strong, just, and compassionate national governments whose constituents insist that they work together to control powerful, selfish, global corporations who undermine these goals.
Make it easy for every adult citizen to vote in free and fair elections.
Nurture small teams of individuals who support these goals, develop caring friendships, and help each other undo divisive conditioning so they can more fully realize their potential.
Overcome ego-driven competition and fragmentation and build nation-based grassroots movements whose members briefly set aside their focus on their primary issue and unite to demand that their government adopts a top-priority compassionate policy supported by a strong majority of their people — thereby winning victories that build momentum for the next campaign.