Personal Resources

Spiritual Women



  • Women’s Creed, Rachel Wahlberg.

    Creeds were developed to counteract various heresies. This Woman's Creed counteracts the heresy of the male only view of faith.

  • Julian of Norwich by Shelley Gilchrist.

    "At a time when many feel our world and her inhabitants are tumbling into an abyss of desperation and division, the words of Julian of Norwich are much needed comfort. In the 14th Century when the plague was at its' peak, Julian suffered a near death experience. During those hours she received sixteen visions, or "showings" as she described them. The Holy One revealed a depth of unconditional love that was very different from the fearful and punishing religion of her time. She spent the next 50 years as an anchoress and she deeply mined and described what she had received. What followed was her book, "Revelations of Divine Love." It was not published for 300 years and her theology was/is considered heretical by some. The sum of her message is that God loves us passionately and "All manner of things shall be well."

