Systemic Resources


  • Philosophy in Our Time of Imperial Decay, Dr. Cornel West.

    Notes from the lecture:

    The motto of this institution (the New School) is "be the living spirit"... We want to be a beacon of light.

    There's something that's going to sustain us more than just our materiality. There's something called integrity, decency. principles, ideals. There's something that's bigger than us that sustains us. There’s something majestic and bigger than us. Called what? 

    Truth.  The quest that we never possess... 

    Beauty yes… There is a crucial role of Beauty… We made music together. Philosophic music… What does it mean to take seriously the love of wisdom…. 

    Any slice of humanity should be the very source of our deep concern and solidarity, not uncritically….

    Any of us has the potential to accommodate ourselves to domination, exploitation…

    Where’s your sense of the whole? Don’t polish your nut in the corner if you have no sense of what the forest looks like. The relation of the parts.  Interdependence of the parts. The way they are intermingled…. The way the spiritual goes hand in hand with the social. The way the political goes hand in hand with the personal…. 

    None of us escaped from that Europeanization. Too often colonization…. Yet European intellectuals could bring critiques of European crimes as Europeans because they believed in intellectual integrity. 

    They believed in freedom for everybody. They believed in mechanisms of accountability, namely democratic practices…. 

    Are you accommodating yourself to the nationalism of your day?... Most workers, unfortunately…[don’t] fight for international solidarity…  

    How do we stay at the deep level of humando? 

    Can we get over feeling innocent… Disneyland mentality… 

    We’re on the permanent road to Progress… Really? … 

    Examining the dark corners of your own soul and recognizing that it takes more courage to do that than it takes for a soldier to fight on the battlefield. 21:00

  • The Human Crisis, Albert Camus, March 28, 1946.

    …The French people sense that mankind is still under threat. And they also sense that to continue living they must rescue a certain idea of mankind from the crisis that grips the whole world. Out of loyalty to my country, I have chosen to speak about this human crisis.

    Since I am here to talk about what I know, the best I can do is sketch, as clearly as I can, the moral experience of my generation... (transcript)

  • Paradigm Shift: An Overview of Global and Local Ecosocial Challenges, Asoka Bandarage.

    A Lecture by Prof. Asoka Bandarage, The National Trust, Sri Lanka, March 25, 2021 (1:24:52).
