The Declaration: Praise
The following words of praise have been offered for drafts and the final version of Americans for Humanity: A Declaration:
Thanks for sending this and doing this work. I definitely sign on to this. I am working with my folks here about self care of the movement so I will send this on to some of those I work with and I will use this in the presentations and work I am doing here. Thanks!
Wow! They have left no stone unturned. Impressive work!
Thank you for sending this to me. I love the work you do.
A culmination of some hard work. Great job.
This is great!
I think this is amazing. It should be turned into a sticker or postcard people can use.
Thanks for continuing to work on this. This is exactly the kind of document that would be affixed to the wall of a meeting or community room for an organization I'd actually be inspired to join.
A great document to which I'd be honored to sign on. It seems like an aspirational statement, though, so I imagine that even some signers wouldn't necessarily uphold all of it (e.g., "Examine myself honestly").
I don't agree with every word but every word isn't important to me. We're kindred spirits who desire to live our lives in accord with life-affirming principles like these. I understand that you want to organize people around peace and love and fairness in this declaration. I'm grateful to know you and be in a circle of people that values these principles. I support you and would sign this statement without change. If and when the opportunity presents itself, I would like to present a national political action plan to an appropriate group of signatories.
These are of course wonderful aspirations for a sane world! I am glad to sign, but can’t do anything else.
Your commitment and tenacity to the goals of universal humanity are unassailable, deeply respected, and greatly admired.
Maybe missing more on the link between the way we treat the environment and each other, but it's a good start! And I would sign it. Thanks for pursuing this project.
Based on our experiences, we do not see even one statement or quality that we would critique.So we bless you and your deeply-felt initiative to keep infusing this language and these kinds of conversations into our neighborhoods and evolving culture.
I respect the tremendous work you’ve done and are doing.
Sounds and looks good!
At a first glance this sounds left, But if you look closer it is not…. A lot like how I see integral politics... Ken Wilber. Keep up the good work of a prophet
I do have trouble with [one line].... Rest is excellent.
This is quite good. I'm ready to sign it.
This declaration is a very strong presentation of the objectives you envision for a caring community, and I would gladly sign it just as it is, even though I would not become an active member.
Looks good to me.
I appreciate your commitment and engagement in seeking a better world. Seems a reasonable statement, but as I’ve mentioned previously I’m already engaged in so many such conversations, I’ve not the time or energy to be involved in starting or framing a new one....
Sounds good.
This pledge is coming together well. Once complete, I can and will be using it to create an artistic rendering and will frame it. And share it. And present it to you. Not in any way to benefit myself but to enhance your achievement. I have so enjoyed watching and reading your process throughout these years.
Thank you for sending this to me. I love the work you do.
Yes, I would sign. Comprehensive! Thanks
I really love what you have written, I think it is great!
Yes! Looks great, nicely done.