Goals and Methods
By Larry Walker
While it is the case that goals and methods appear throughout this website, this page gathers them in one place, so the reader explicitly sees that the steps to transforming American society are defined. Transformation is demanding work, and we are confident that this website provides a path for achieving it.
The goals listed in bold in the outermost bullets come directly from the Declaration. The subgoals indented one level to the right were derived from text contained in the Principles and in the essay, A Moral America. Short names for the subgoals are purposeful, an attempt to help readers remember them. Some subgoals appear under multiple high-level Goals.
Additional subgoals will be identified in each of the website Sections. You are welcome to suggest additional subgoals in the Comment section that follows.
The subgoals are clarified with text in a separate document:
Link: Goals and Method Clarified
I/we support the growth of a popular movement that:
serves humanity, the environment, and life itself
Holistic Transformation
respects the essential equality of all human beings
Respect for Equality
encourages everyone to identify as a member of the human family
Affirm Multiple Identities
affirms individuals’ multiple identities
Affirm Multiple Identities
Support Grassroots Struggles
opposes efforts to dominate others due to one of their identities
Systemic Analysis
Undo Domination
Value Immigration
relies on love and trust rather than hate and fear
Practice Compassion
channels anger productively
Practice Compassion
attracts people with face-to-face community and caring friendships
Revitalize Community
honors our nation’s accomplishments, criticizes its failures, and helps build a more perfect union
Practice Healthy Patriotism
Honor Values & Traditions
Stop Exploitation
Support Minority Struggles
Build Perfect Union
Pursue Synergistic Dynamics
fully represents and gives voice to the American people
Maximize Cooperation
helps transform the United States into a compassionate community that:
Maximizes Holistic Democracy
Nurtures Mutual Support for Self-Development
Builds Partnerships
Holds Leaders Accountable
Establishes Democratic Hierarchies
Values Immigration
Treats Illegal Immigrants Humanely
Offers Asylum
Provides Assistance to Hard-Hit Countries
supports the rule of law, individual rights, and the freedom to engage in activities that do not deny freedom to others
Support Freedom
encourages people to relate to others as individuals of equal worth
Practice Compassion
promotes partnerships that empower people
Maximize Cooperation
nurtures democracy throughout society
Maximize Cooperation
Nurture Democracy
Build a Compassionate Community
meets basic human needs
Achieve Economic Fairness
assures good living-wage job opportunities
Achieve Economic Fairness
protects free speech
Protect Free Speech
makes it easy to vote
Make Voting Easy
enables everyone to participate in society fully and productively
Maximize Cooperation
Nurture Democracy
Build a Compassionate Community
encourages supportive relationships with other countries, backs their right to self-determination, promotes human rights, and advocates peaceful resolution of conflicts with mediation and negotiation
Respect International Law
Maximize Cooperation Between Nations
pressures Washington to implement compassionate policies supported by strong majorities of the American people
Value Immigrants
Treat Illegal Immigrants Humanely
Offer Asylum
Provide Assistance to Hard-Hit Countries
engages in nonviolent civil disobedience and consumer boycotts when needed
Practice Nonviolent Civil Disobedience
encourages members of the movement to:
Improve Emotional Reactions
Engage in Honest Self-Examination
Practice Self-reform
support each other with their personal and spiritual growth
Build Strong Communities
Love the Human Race
Live Compassionate Lives
avoid oppressive or disrespectful behavior
Practice Compassion
supports members who want to form small teams that share meals, strengthen connections, provide mutual support, and plan other activities
Form Small Teams
Provide Mutual Support for Self-Improvement
Love Others
cooperates with movements in other countries that also serve humanity, the environment, and life itself.
Cooperate with Movements in Other Countries
Love the Human Race
Respect Other Nations
The transformation envisioned by this Declaration will involve the holistic and systemic transformation of our social system — the System — into a compassionate community that serves humanity, the environment, and life itself, as discussed in this site’s Principles and the essay, A Moral America.
Holistic Transformation
Pursue Our Primary Mission
The subgoals are clarified with text in a separate document:
Link: Goals and Method Clarified