
Cultivate justice and compassion

Assure everyone can meet their basic needs and participate fully in society

Oppose discrimination based on arbitrary traits like skin color

Strengthen unions, worker-controlled cooperatives, bottom-up hierarchies, and democratic equality throughout society

Organize peer-to-peer mutual support 

Set aside the desire to dominate and exploit others for personal gain

Care for yourself so you can better serve others

Build united, national movements that persuade their government to respect their people’s will and work with other nations to control global corporations

Build momentum with victories focused on winnable goals

Hold each other, elected officials, and organizations accountable to their commitments and highest ideals

Avoid scapegoating

Grow solidarity

Pursue win-win solutions — you benefit when others benefit

See how everything is connected

The System weaves together our institutions, our systems, our culture, and ourselves as individuals into a single self-perpetuating system that teaches people to climb social ladders, look down on, dominate, and exploit those below, and submit to those above

Individuals reinforce the System with their daily actions

The System dehumanizes everyone

No one controls the  System

Change the System’s mission and all of its elements simultaneously

Advance holistic and systemic transformation

Related:Mission and Principles